HIDE & SEEK: This May Be The Most Horrific ISIS Video Yet


WATCH: (Scroll Down For Video) A new video has emerged on social media of child soldiers carrying out a game of hide and seek in which they then execute prisoners.

Filmed in a remote part of Syria, the video shows six child soldiers running through an historic ruins searching for the hidden prisoners.

With their hands tied behind their back, the captives are forced to wait as the young children, who appear to be no older than eight, kill them at close range.

After finishing the task, the child soldier returns to their instructor and hands the balaklava and handgun to next boy.

One after the other, the children run up the hill where they meet their instructor at the entrance of an historic ruin.

The prisoners are described as ‘sons of Jews’ and accused of spying for the Assad regime in the ISIS held city of Deir ezzor, situated in eastern Syria.

Each time, the prisoners are found in different locations and have no chance to escape as they have restraints around their hands and legs.

The child soldiers are also shown alongside a large group of children learning about close combat and self defence.

One child practices his fighting moves against a masked instructor whilst the rest of the class sit on a carpet and watch on.

[Editor’s Note: Breaking911.com chooses to give it’s readers access to all available content as it relates to breaking news and major world events, this includes propaganda videos. Watch at your own risk.]

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