FULL TEXT: New Trump Statement on Special Counsel


President Donald Trump says appointment of special counsel in Russia probe ‘hurts our country terribly’:

“I believe it hurts our country terribly, because it shows we’re a divided, mixed-up, not-unified country. And we have very important things to be doing right now, whether it’s trade deals, whether it’s military, whether it’s stopping nuclear… all of the things that we discussed today. And I think this shows a very divided country.

It also happens to be a pure excuse for the Democrats having lost an election that they should have easily won because of the Electoral College being slanted so much in their way. That’s all this is. I think it shows division, and it shows that we’re not together as a country. And I think it’s a very, very negative thing. And hopefully, this can go quickly, because we have to show unity if we’re going to do great things with respect to the rest of the world.”

On Wednesday, the Justice Department named Robert Mueller, former F.B.I. director, as special counsel to oversee the Russian probe.

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