Charles Barkley Defends Officer Darren Wilson and #Ferguson Comments


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Charles Barkley, back on the Philadelphia airwaves Tuesday, embellished on last week’s headline-making views about the national furor over the shooting of an unarmed young man by a Ferguson, Mo. police officer.

“Those jackasses who are looting, those aren’t real black people, those are scumbags,” the NBA Hall of Famer and TNT analyst told Mike Missanelli on 97.5 The Fanatic on Nov. 25. “…There’s no excuse for those people to be out there burning down people’s businesses, burning up police cars, that serves no purpose.”

That was one wild interview, full of all sorts of quotable remarks, including:

On holidays: “Christmas sucks, because people just want gifts.”

On ISIS: “We got to put boots on the ground. We got to go over there and shoot ’em, dead. D-E-E-A-D, dead.”

On politics: “Chris Christie would be the only guy who’s a Republican that I would vote for.”

On sports betting in New Jersey: “I think it’s a travesty that they don’t have that.”

On viral photos of Kim Kardashian’s caboose: “There’s no way that thing wasn’t Photoshopped … The guy who brushed that ass, he probably got a Popeye muscle by now.”

Those were all eclipsed by Barkley’s comments on race-related related subjects, just as he was widely quoted about quarterback Russell Wilson being called “too white” and about running back Adrian Peterson’s allegedly excessive use of corporal punishment (“Every black parent in the South is going to be in jail under those circumstances”).

Tuesday, Barkley was back, as part of a deal to appear the day after every Sixers loss, with $200 going to charity. (If Philadelphia loses to Minnesota tonight, the former Sixers forward will speak again Thursday.)

Barkley seemed accepting of the Nov. 24 decision by a grand jury not to indict Ferguson officer Darren Wilson, who shot and killed 18-year-old Michael Brown on Aug. 9.

“We don’t know what to believe,” since the “grand jury testimony did include that he may have had his hands up,” Missanelli said.

“True, but if a guy’s trying to take my gun, all bets are off,” Barkley responded. “If a guy’s trying to take my gun, or he’s hitting me, all bets are off.”

Two shots were fired by Wilson while he was struggling with Brown through the window of his patrol car, according to accounts. When Brown, wounded in the hand, began to run, Wilson gave chase, firing 10 more times. Wilson testified that Brown was charging him.


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