Comparing Different Types of Leather: Which Is Best?


Your wallet is your world. It holds your money, your cards, your I.D. Pretty much everything you need to get by in this life is stored in your wallet. In that sense, your wallet is one of your most trusted companions. It sticks with you through thick and thin. You can always rely on it, and furthermore. When the going gets tough you can feel it. Sitting in your pocket, right there by your side. Yes, the wallet is an accessory that most men become incredibly attached to. This is great for the good years of owning your wallet, but what happens when it’s time to replace it? Well, that’s when things get tricky. I ran into this problem just last month. I had a beautiful leather wallet that I had for years. It lasted me through some of my most important milestones but like every great accessory. It did its part for me, and then it had to move on. So now I was on the search, and I began my hunt for my new wallet. But first, since I am an A-type personality. I had to do some digging. I had to figure out which type of wallet was not only the best quality but which of those wallets would be right for me. So without further adieu, let’s begin our deep dive into the different types of wallets, and which one may work best for you!

Leagues of Leather

On the search for my new wallet, I came upon a discovery rather early on. Namely, there are many different grades of leather out there, and almost all of them can be found in a wallet. Not only are there wallets made from different kinds of animals out there, but there are also varying levels of quality to those leathers. The grade, I’ll talk about is the genuine leather grade. Genuine leather grade on a wallet essentially means that while. Yes, the entire wallet is made of genuine leather. It’s not all made from the same piece of leather, or heck probably not even the same animal. Genuine leather wallets are wallets that are made by bonding together the scraps of higher-grade wallets. Now, this doesn’t mean it’s a bad wallet by any stretch of the imagination. All this means is that the wallet was created through many sources! Next, let’s talk about a top-grain wallet. Top grain wallets are wallets that are made from the outermost layer of the animal’s epidermis. It’s a tough high-quality leather, but the thing that sets it apart from other classifications of leather. Is that a top-grain wallet that has any imperfections in the leather and is then sanded down? This gives the wallet a smoother shinier finish than other wallets. The next grade of wallet is a full-grain leather wallet. This is a leather grading that is almost identical to the top grain, except for the crucial distinction that it is not sanded down. The full grain retains all of its imperfections. Giving the wallet a rugged and textured detailing. Finally, we come to our last grade of wallet. The Nappa leather wallet. A wallet classified as Nappa leather is usually made from the best of the best kind of leather that can be found. This is a grade of wallet reserved for the most high-quality leather goods. For instance, a Nappa grade wallet would be normally found in a designer fashion house, rather than a department store it’s that fancy! 

Choosing What’s Right For You

Whew! Now that was a lot! Who ever thought there’d be so many classifications of leather? I know I didn’t. So now you may find yourself wondering. “Well, now that I know which type of wallet I want, how do I choose one that will work for me?” That’s a great question. You see, for my purposes, I don’t need a fancy wallet. I’ve got my genuine bonded leather number in black and it works gangbusters for me. If you’re someone who works in the higher echelons of corporate America you may need a Nappa grade. Its up to you and how much money you feel comfortable spending. The only real advice I can give about selecting your wallet is this. Just match it to whatever color belt you wear the most. Trust me. If you wear a brown belt, get a brown wallet. Coordinating these colors now will make it a thousand times easier when it’s time to get ready for anything formal. 

Searching for the right wallet can be tough. With so many different styles, and classifications out there. It’s easy to see why people find the kind of wallet they like, and never look back. So if you’re in the middle of your search. I don’t envy you. You have some tough decisions ahead. But just take a second, breathe, and if you have any more questions. Take another look at this guide comparing all the different types of wallets, and see what works best for you! 

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