Denver Canyon Remains Closed Because Too Many People Are Taking Selfies With Bears


Suburban Denver’s Waterton Canyon remains closed due to foraging bears which officials say part of the problem is visitors have been getting close to the animals to take pictures with selfie sticks.

Denver Water manger of recreation Brandon Ransom has said that some visitors to the recreation area had been getting as close as 10 feet of the wild bears to try and get a shot of the animals.

‘It is a poor choice from our perspective, A) to get that close to wildlife and B) to turn your back, particularly on bears,’ said Matt Robbins, a spokesman for Colorado Parks and Wildlife told KMGH.

Denver Water and state wildlife officials closed the canyon Aug. 28.


‘The current situation is not conducive for the safety of our visitors or the well-being of the wildlife,’ Ransom said.

‘Closing Waterton has been an unfortunate, but familiar story this summer,’ reads the post. ‘In May and June, we had to close the canyon because of a deteriorating diversion structure, annual maintenance and flood conditions.


‘With more than 100,000 visitors a year, Waterton Canyon is one of the most popular outdoor recreation amenities for Coloradans and tourists alike.

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