Figures Show 100,000 Syrians Have Come To The U.S. Since 2012


Figures obtained by Fox News have shown that over 100,000 Syrians have been granted entry to the U.S. as permanent residents since 2012.

The Obama administration says refugees must undergo a rigorous screening process that can take years.

Nevertheless, the U.S. House voted overwhelmingly last month to make it more difficult for Syrian and Iraqi refugees to come to America.

Experts say any fears that terrorists might infiltrate the proposed wave of refugees from United Nations-run camps would be dwarfed by the numbers of those already in America.


‘The sheer number of people arriving on all kinds of visas and with green cards, and possibly U.S. citizenship, makes it impossible for our counter-terrorism authorities to keep track of them all, much less prevent them from carrying out attacks or belatedly try to deport them,’ said Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigration Studies to Fox.

When asked by the media, refugees say they’re here to make a new life for themselves, not to stir up trouble. Many form miniature support networks, with earlier arrivals helping newcomers

‘It is highly unlikely that the 102,313 Syrians who were admitted over the past three years were effectively vetted,’ said spokesman Ira Mehlman, of the Federation for American Immigration Reform.

‘Even in countries where we have a strong diplomatic presence, the sheer volume of background checks being carried out precludes the kind of thorough vetting that is necessary.’

Lawmakers and more than half of U.S. governors, mostly Republicans, have raised questions about the vetting process for Syrian refugees being brought to the United States. Some said they were worried that Islamic extremists may try to take advantage of the U.S. refugee process.

The U.S. annually accepts 70,000 refugees from around the world. This group includes people fleeing violence, religious persecution and war.

Read More: As lawmakers clash over refugees, Syrian immigration quietly tops 100,000 since 2012

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