Hackers Spam ISIS Twitter Accounts With Thousands Of Graphic Porn Accounts


The accounts, known primarily as ‘pornbots’, feature sexual images and are automatically created.

Online activists are spamming ISIS supporters by following them with tens of thousands of porn accounts.

The graphic images are offensive to ISIS as they follow a stricter version of Islam.

The Daily Mirror reports that the pornbot hackers have targeted Twitter accounts, who use known ISIS hashtags, with some receiving follows from several hundred graphic accounts in minutes.

The activists target people on Twitter who use hashtags that are frequently used by ISIS.

Some accounts have been bombarded by as many as 5,000 graphic images.

The official ISIS media agency was also targeted by the activists.

Thousands of accounts followed the account before it was later suspended by Twitter.

Many accounts have been made private while the Jihadists find a way to stop the influx of explicit images.

It is not known who is responsible for creating the bot.

Soon after the Paris terror attacks, Anonymous declared war against ISIS.

This cannot continue.

“Following the attacks in Paris last November, we have fought daily against terrorism and we have silenced thousands of Twitter accounts directly linked to ISIS

“We severely punish Daesh on the dark net, hacked their electronic portfolio and stolen money from the terrorists.”

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