Latest Pictures Show Migrants Hiding Behind Car Bumpers In An Attempt To Reach Europe


Latest pictures released by the Spanish civil guard show the desperate measure migrants are going to in an attempt to reach Europe.

The police released the images of migrants hidden inside of bumpers of cars as traffickers charge vast amounts of money to smuggle them into Spain.

At least three vehicles were stopped in a 24 hour period, children aged between 15 and 16 were found underneath the car axle.


In two of the cases, the teenagers had to be rushed to hospital after being wedged between the radiator and bumper. One of them was a young woman who nearly suffocated and was unconscious when found. She was so weak, she was unable to stand up on her own.

The cars used were a Ford Fiesta and two Renaults.


The cars were stopped in Beni-Enzar in Morocco, one of the checkpoints the mafia gangs have to pass through on their way to Spain.

All the vehicles had hidden compartments and stowaways are normally found in the dashboards or in spaces between the back seats and boot.


On these occasions, however, they were found lying sidewards and literally wedged between the car’s bodywork and the bumper which concealed their bodies. From the naked eye, everything looked completely normal.

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