Man Found Guilty Of Murder After Killing His Friend Over A $700 Super Bowl Bet


A man has been found guilty of murdering his friend instead of paying him th

Eddie Roberson, aged 31, of Newark, New Jersey, was convicted following a two-week trial.

The court heard how he shot his friend, Talif Crowley, aged 38, six times in a street.

Assistant Prosecutor Adam B. Wells told ‘This was a particularly senseless murder of a man who was well liked in the neighborhood,.


‘This defendant killed a friend rather than pay up on a friendly bet. I’m glad the jury saw it for what it was.’

Roberson back the 49ers but the Ravens won 34-31 in a tense game, during which there was a 34-minute power outage. 

Roberson refused to pay up, believing his team had been ‘cheated’.

Two days later he confronted Crowley in a street in Newark as the victim was making his way to his mother’s home.


Roberson shot his longtime friend several times, killing him.

He will be sentenced to up to life in prison on January 22.

The court also found Roberson guilty of weapons offenses.

He has three prior felony convictions for drugs, guns and eluding, according to

Read More: New Jersey man convicted of friend’s murder after losing Super Bowl bet — he thought the 49ers were cheated out of win

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