Michigan Father Arrested After Beating His Daughter With Frozen Bacon


A father from Michigan has been arrested after he beat his 11-year-old daughter with frozen bacon.

Jonathan Powell, aged 45, was arrested on child abuse charges after he was reported to of hit the girl over the head multiple times.

The incident took place on January 9th, but he was only arrested late last week after her mother alerted authorities.

Powell has denied all of the charges.


Police were alerted after the 11-year-old returned home to her mother and discovered a large bruise on the girl’s cheek.

Officers arrested Powell late last week.

He has since denied hitting his daughter and said that she tripped over the dishwasher.

Powell appeared at Bay County District Court for arraignment last week one one count of third-degree child abuse.

He faces a possible two years in jail if he is convicted.

He will re-appear in court on February 2nd for a preliminary examination.

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