Nine Year Old Girl Has Priceless Reaction When Told She Will See The Donald In Person


WATCH: (Scroll Down For Video) This is the moment a nine-year-old girl found out she will see Donald Trump at a New Hampshire rally.

The nine-year-old girl, named Ava, is travelling in the car when her mother informs her that she will get to see Donald Trump in person.

Before the words are out of her mouth, the child’s mouth is wide open and she slaps her hands down on her legs in excitement: ‘Are you serious?’ she yells.

When her mum confirms the girl’s hands fly to her face, ‘Oh my word!’ she exclaims.

‘Are you excited?’ she’s asked, to which wholeheartedly shouts, ‘Yes!’

The girl then begins to cry as she thanks her parents.

Some have reacted harshly: ‘Indoctrinating a young, innocent child with bigoted ideas? Oy vey, take this video down! These parents ought to be locked up for child abuse!’

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump spoke to a large crowd in New Hampshire on Monday.

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