Police Discover Two Year Old Boy Stuck In Toilet After Parents Left Him To Shop At Walmart


A two-year-old boy’s parents have now been arrested after he was discovered stuck in a toilet while they went to shop at Walmart.

Police reported that neighbors became concerned after they heard a child crying for over half an hour in Canton, Ohio.

According to local media, the superintendent allowed police inside where they discovered a two-year-old boy stuck in a toilet.

It was reported that the boy attempted to use the toilet but fell inside and became trapped.

His parents where nowhere to be found.


Authorities quickly freed the boy and began to to set about tracking down his parents.

Two hours after the discovered the boy, the mother, Justice M. Chance, returned home with Walmart bags.

Police say the parents left the child at home while they went shopping.

The boy’s father, Rashaad M. Cuffee, was also arrested.

The jail records said the officers seized the plants and digital scales.


The couple have been charged with illegal cultivation of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and child endangerment.

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