Putin Announces Russia Will Pull Most of Its Military From Syria


MOSCOW – President Vladimir Putin announced Monday that Russia would begin withdrawing its military from Syria, potentially winding down nearly six months of airstrikes that have bolstered Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and dealt a grave blow to Syrian rebels.

Putin said late Monday that Russia would withdraw the “main part” of the military deployment to Syria, starting Tuesday.

“I hope that today’s decision will be a good signal for all parties to the conflict,” Putin said in a meeting with top deputies that was broadcast on Russian state television late Monday. “I hope that this will considerably increase the level of trust between all parties of the Syrian settlement and will contribute to a peaceful resolution of the Syrian issue.”

Putin said Russia would keep open both Russian air force and naval bases in Syria, but he said the task of the Russian intervention has been achieved and that diplomacy should now take over. A shaky cease-fire has quelled fighting in Syria, although it has not fully stopped.

The surprise announcement came as U.N. envoy Staffan de Mistura reconvened peace talks between the Assad government and the opposition in Geneva on Monday. The decision appeared at least in part to have the effect of increasing pressure on Assad to reach a diplomatic resolution of the conflict.

The Kremlin said Putin spoke to Assad by telephone on Monday to inform him of his decision. Putin made the decision unilaterally, without any such request from Assad, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said – a pointed message that suggested Putin is trying to signal that its backing for Syria is not unlimited.

“The leaders noted that the action of the air force of Russia had radically changed the situation in the fight against terrorism, disrupting the fighters’ infrastructure and inflicting significant damage,” the Kremlin said in a statement.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that during the Russian airstrike campaign, Syrian forces had been able to recapture 400 populated areas over nearly 4,000 square miles of territory. The Russian intervention turned the course of the conflict after Assad appeared weakened and on the verge of defeat over the summer. By February, the Syrian army was surging forward and had nearly encircled the rebel bastion of Aleppo.

The Obama administration had become increasingly frustrated in recent days over what it saw as Russia’s inability or unwillingness to press Syrian government forces to adhere to the cease-fire there. Officials cited an overall decrease in violence of 80 to 90 percent, including a virtual halt to Russian airstrikes in opposition areas. To the extent that military operations are continuing, officials said, nearly all have been conducted by the Syrian military and its Iranian and Hezbollah allies.

Late last week, the administration decided to publicly accuse Moscow of failing to rein in Assad, leading to a string of comments by officials that culminated in a call by Secretary of State John F. Kerry on Sunday for Putin to take control of Russia’s Syrian ally.

By signing on to the international agreement backing a cease-fire, he said, Russia and Iran “accepted responsibility for the forces that they control or influence. . . . So President Putin, who is invested in supporting Assad . . . should be somewhat concerned” by the actions of Syrian forces.

Putin’s announcement appeared to take the administration by surprise. Asked during Monday’s regular State Department briefing about the news from Russia, spokesman John F. Kirby said it was the first he had heard of the announcement.

The Obama administration has at times complained of a gap between Russia’s rhetoric and its actions on the ground in Syria, and it was not immediately clear on which side of the field Monday’s announcement would fall.

Putin announced at the end of September that the Russian intervention would focus on combating the Islamic State. The Obama administration soon said that the bulk of the airstrikes were being conducted against other rebel forces battling Assad, some of which were supported by the United States. But Russian forces have generally adhered to the cease-fire, which went into effect in late February.

If the Russian air mission pulls out, it would cut short an intervention that from the beginning had kept the Obama administration and its partners off balance.

Early in September, U.S. officials reported that several dozen Russian bombers and jet fighters, as well as at least 16 helicopters, had gathered at an air base in northwestern Syria. On the morning of Sept. 30, Russia’s lower house of parliament quickly passed a resolution authorizing the use of air power against targets in Syria. The bombings began later that day.

Initially, Russian jets were flying just several dozen sorties each day. But the intensity of the bombing increased during the campaign. By February, shortly before the cease-fire took effect, Russia’s Defense Ministry often reported that it was carrying out more than 60 or even 70 sorties a day.

Russia also began using the Syrian crisis as a testing ground for high-tech weapons, going so far as to shift its budget for weapons tests to the Syrian campaign. In October, just a week after the beginning of its bombing campaign, Russia launched 26 cruise missiles from ships in the Caspian Sea at targets in Syria more than 900 miles away. The missiles traversed Iran and Iraq before striking the targets in Syria. The Pentagon said several crashed before reaching Syria. It was the first time Russia had fired the new Kalibr cruise missile in a combat mission.

For the first three months, analysts and officials reported modest gains, as doubts about the battered Syrian army and other militias loyal to Assad persisted. But in January, a Syrian offensive began scoring major victories, cutting off supply lines from Turkey and threatening the rebel stronghold of Aleppo.

(c) 2016, The Washington Post · Michael Birnbaum – Washington Post staff writers Karen DeYoung in Washington and Andrew Roth in Moscow contributed to this report.

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