RAW VIDEO: ‘Trash The Dress’ Trend Almost Costs Bride Her Life


A new trend known as “trash the dress” almost cost a new bride her life.

(“Trash the dress”, from Wiki:: …Also known as “fearless bridal” or “rock the frock”, is a style of wedding photography that contrasts elegant clothing with an environment in which it is out of place. It is generally shot in the style of fashion or glamour photography.

Such photography often takes place on a beach, but other locations include city streets, rooftops, garbage dumps, fields, and abandoned buildings. The woman often wears a ball gown, prom dress or wedding dress, and may effectively ruin the dress in the process by getting it wet, dirty, or, in extreme circumstances, tearing or destroying the garment.)

Seen in the video below, the woman plunges into the water and her dress surrounds her head, pulling her under the water.

The woman spends several seconds underwater as her husband an bystanders lift her above the surface. The woman told Inside Edition that she does not regret jumping in the water.

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