2 Teens Dead After Drinking Racing Fuel Mixed With Mountain Dew


GREENBRIER, TENNESSEE — Two Tennessee teens have died after reportedly drinking racing fuel mixed with Mountain Dew soda.

16-year-old Logan Stephenson died on Thursday. His friend, who also drank the concoction, died after being in a coma. His identity was not released. Two other teens in the area have admitted to drinking the same mixture. Racing fuel has a high alcohol content and police believe the mixture was consumed to intoxicate.

“We ask that everyone continue to pray for both of these families as they go through this tragic time,” Sheriff Bill Holt said in the department’s Tuesday release.

An autopsy is scheduled to determine the exact cause of death.


From The Tennessean: Robertson County Schools have been closed since before Stephenson’s death because of inclement weather, but Director Mike Davis said Tuesday that the system was planning to have extra counselors at Greenbrier High School when the students resume classes.

“Our heartfelt sympathies go out to the parents and family members of these young men,” Davis said. “I think we will make the special effort to inform students of the dangers related to the deaths of these boys. We need to be reminding kids to make good choices.”

The investigation is ongoing.

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