Teacher Fired After Having Students Write ‘Get-Well Cards’ To Convicted Cop Killer


ORANGE, N.J. –Convicted Cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal received get-well cards from 8-year-olds in Marylin Zuniga’s class. The assignment caused outrage and the teacher apologized. She was initially suspended.

Abu-Jamal, murdered Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner. He is reportedly in ill health and at the SCI Mahanoy infirmary in Pennsylvania.


The murderer was sent two stacks of letters, one from a third grade class in Orange, New Jersey and another from high school students in the Philadelphia Student Union.

It took the school board less than three minutes this week to vote unanimously in favor of firing her.

Zuniga claims she has support from several people who have praised her for teaching her students to have compassion for an inmate.

She said in a statement, “There’s people around the nation who support me, who believe I need to be reinstated and I believe that I need to be reinstated. My students need me in the classroom. My students have requested that I come back to the classroom.”

The hashtag #ISupportMarylin was started on Twitter after her suspension.

“Last Thursday, Mumia tried to go to the bathroom in the infirmary. Because he was so weak, he was not able to sustain himself on his feet.

He slid down to the floor and waited there, helplessly and unable to call for assistance, for 45 minutes until he was found by a doctor and another prisoner,” writes Johanna Fernandez, a professor of history at Baruch College.

‘We shared a touching moment with Mumia in an effort to raise his spirits,’ Fernandez reported.

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