The Best Ways to Care for Your Cat

Holding a new pet - a little kitten sleeping on child arm

Being a pet person means you treat your pet like a fur-covered member of the family. Even though they walk on all fours, can occasionally destroy a garbage bag or two, and sometimes can tear up your furniture or shoes (speaking from experience). Because of this, you probably spend your time thinking why do cats do this and what cats think about? We may never really know. 

Regardless, since our love for pets runs deep and wide, we love them despite it all, especially if you are a cat owner. Cats have been kept as pets for as long as anyone can remember, so there have been quite the developments over the years on the best way to care for them.

Whether you are a new or existing cat owner, it’s always good to get a refresher on the best ways to take care of them. Check out the following list of the information we’ve put together to make sure your fur babies are getting the best possible care so they can live long and happy lives. 

Flea and Tick Preventative

When it comes to caring for your cat, flea and tick medicine is the absolute most. Our fur creatures are prone to picking up ticks and fleas throughout the year, especially if you live in a warm climate. Ticks and fleas can not only cause a lot of discomfort for your kitty, but they can also create some long term harmful effects on their health like the following:

  • Skin irritations

  • Lethargy

  • Vomiting

  • Tremors

  • Seizures

All pet owners should take flea and tick issues very seriously. Luckily, there are many different ways you can combat this issue. You can either apply a topical solution to your cat’s next, get them a collar, or the best solution of all, a monthly or yearly pill that knocks out both issues. When it comes to ticks, you also need to be even more diligent, because ticks can latch on to your cat and stay there for a while without you even noticing. A great way to keep ticks off your cat is to do daily inspections on their fur, particularly with a fine-tooth comb or a device that helps you examine their skin. 


It should go without saying that getting your cat the best cat food possible is one of the most important things you can do to take care of them. When looking for cat food, it may be tempting to go with the cheaper brand, but that is the least criteria you should have for making a decision. Instead, look for cat food that can improve their skin, fur, and overall health by having some of the following ingredients listed on the back:

  • Chicken liver and heart

  • Lamb

  • Salmon

  • Tuna

All of these sources of goodness are rich in an amino acid called taurine, which if not present in the system, can cause cats to develop blindness or heart disease. Another way you can care for your cat’s nutrition is to use cat CBD oil. You are probably familiar with humans using this, but it’s also safe for cats to use this, too. Here are some of the great health benefits to giving your furry little one CBD oil:

  • Increase immunity support

  • Relief chronic pain

  • Improve joint mobility

  • Anti-inflammatory support

If your cat suffers from any of these ailments or you would like to give them a preventative, definitely look into giving them CBD oil. You can either give it to them directly in a pill or serum or mix it with their favorite foods and treats as a reward out of love. Regardless of how your cat ingests it, giving them CBD oil now, instead of later, will ensure they are getting the best care possible for their health now and in the future. 


Cats love to play with you, other cats, and even with themselves. It is part of their genetic make-up as they are wired to go after their prey. After thousands of years of domestication, they aren’t having to work for their prey as much anymore since they have you filling up their food bowl every day, but the instinct for them to hunt is always there. A great way to help fulfill that instinct for them is to get them toys as stimulation. Such toys can be some of the following:

  • Scratching post

  • Laser pointer

  • Cat towers

  • Tub toys

  • Brain games like hiding treat in a toy 

No matter what you decide to do, be sure you are giving them environmental and social enrichment to keep them stimulated. Lack of stimulation for cats can lead to them destroying things in your home, becoming more aggressive, or frequent urination outside the litter box. So next time you feel like your cat is bored or acting out, get then some enrichment toys to combat that behavior and keep them happy. 


Getting regular shots for your cat is a must for all cat owners. Cats are susceptible to a lot of illnesses, especially if they are outside cats, and their health can decline if you do not properly vaccinate them. If you are a new cat owner or are thinking of adopting a cat shortly, be sure you are getting them the following vaccinations as soon as possible:

  • Rabies

  • Panleukopenia

  • Herpes 

  • Calicivirus

In addition to these shots, you should also get any vaccines your veterinarian recommends. This may include vaccines against leukemia virus, chlamydophila felis, and bordetella. It’s always good to invest in preventative care for your cat. Always go with what your veterinarian suggests so that your furbaby is being protected now and in the future. 


When it comes to grooming, most if not all cats tend to take care of that area themselves. However, it’s always a good idea to help them along as much as possible. Ways you can help is by investing in quality and gentle brushing tools for their coat, trimming their nails, and oral care like giving them treats that help manages bad breath and cleans their teeth, like greenies for cats. If you’re daring enough, you can always try bathing them, although try to spread them out as much as possible so you don’t risk drying out their skin. 

Litter Box Training

Luckily when it comes to cats, they are pretty good about knowing how to use a litter box right away, which we’re sure is a relief to you. However, when it comes to cleaning a litter box, that falls solely on you. How well you take care of your cat’s litter box can play a big part in their overall health. Cleaning your cat’s littler box consistently will ensure that it stays clean for them to entice them to keep using it. A litter box that isn’t cleaned frequently enough can cause your cat to do their business outside of the box and in places around the house. So, next time you’re going through your weekly or daily household chores, be sure you add litter cleaning to the list. 

Your Cat Deserves the Best Care Possible

Our cats are like family, which means we would do anything and everything to make sure they are happy and healthy. As long as you know of the best ways to take care of them, you should have no problem keeping them happy and healthy now and throughout the rest of their lives. Our cats give us so much joy, love, and belonging. It’s time you did the same for them.

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