Trump Signs Order to Protect Free Speech on Campuses

Source: KRVN

WASHINGTON – U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Thursday protecting free of speech on post-secondary campuses across the United States, flanked by conservative activists who say their views are suppressed at colleges and universities.

Over 100 students, several legislators and two cabinet secretaries joined Trump in the East Room for the signing of the order, which directs 12 agencies that make fedearl grants to ensure college are complying with the law and their polices to protect free speech and open debate.

The U.S. president told students that people can have their different views but “they have to let you speak”.

In a White House statement, Trump said his government rejects “oppressive speech codes, censorship, political correctness, and every other attempt by the hard left to stop people from challenging ridiculous and dangerous ideas.”

It comes after Trump announced at a conservative conference that he would make federal funding for universities contingent on the upholding of free speech on campuses, however, the legislation does not tie student aid money to campus compliance to the order.

(c)Breaking911 – Eli Ridder

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