UK Foreign Office Warns Football Fans Over Euro 2016 Terror Threat


Football fans travelling to Euro 2016 in France have been issued a warning to be vigilant against terrorists at all times.

The Foreign Office confirmed that British counter-terror officers are playing a key part in foiling attacks.

The foreign office released a statement saying:

‘During Euro 2016, stadiums, fan zones, venues broadcasting the tournament and transport hubs and links represent potential targets for terrorist attacks.

You should be vigilant at all times, especially in areas hosting Euro 2016 events, and follow the advice of local French authorities.’

This comes after Ukrainian officials revealed they had arrested a Frenchman who was plotting a series of attacks in France.

Commander Dean Haydon, the head of Scotland Yard’s anti-terror squad, released a statement; “Certainly we have seen propaganda, Islamic State (IS) and potential talk of plots against the Euros, but we’re working with all those various different agencies to police and make (them) a safe event and a safe games.

“We’re a key part of the planning. Although the ultimate policing of the event and the planning is for the French, we are all involved in properly trying to understand the threat, if there is one.”

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