Up To $10Million In Diamonds Stolen From Unlocked Safe At New York Jewelry Store


A Manhattan jeweler has said that someone has  stolen up to $10million in diamonds from a safe that was left unlocked.

Jonathan Birnbach, owner of J. Birnbach Inc, told police on Wednesday that he discovered $5 to $10million in diamonds missing from the vault in his Midtown New York City business.

He says he placed three boxes with the diamonds in the safe on November 24, but hadn’t noticed them missing until this week because he rarely deals with the diamonds.


Sources told the New York Daily News that Birnbach admitted to police he leaves the safe unlocked during business hours in order to allow for easy access to other jewels kept in the safe.

During the period that the diamonds were stolen, contractors were working in the office.

Police are reportedly interviewing the construction workers and will be reviewing surveillance footage.

Read More: Up to $10 million in diamonds stolen from Midtown jeweler’s unlocked safe

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