5 Things You Should Be Adding to Your Summer Wellness Routine


With summer fully upon us, it’s time to start getting into your summer wellness routine. There are so many great ways to keep your mind and body in tip-top shape this summer. Drinking herbal tonic regularly and spending time outdoors are two of our favorite ways. We are here today to tell you five things you should be adding to your wellness routine this summer. By the end of this article, you’ll feel so ready to have the healthiest summer of your life and take great care of your body. 

1. Sip Your Summer Away With Herbal Tonic 

Sunwink’s superfood-powered herbal tonics are a must-have for your summer wellness routine. Sunwink’s herbal tonics are crafted with herbs that help support healthy digestion. Not only will they make your stomach happy, but they also help with bloating, and we could all use some of that. Herbal tonics are absolutely delicious, too. Detox Ginger. Hibiscus Mint Unwind. Immunity Berry. Lemon-Rose Uplift. Turmeric Recover. If you haven’t tried an herbal tonic yet, what are you waiting for? Your mind and body will thank you. 

2. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

We can’t overemphasize the importance of drinking a lot of water. Not only will you feel energized and hydrated when you have a lot of water in your system, but drinking water also washes away unwanted toxins in your body, helping with digestion and bloating. It is recommended that you drink eight 8-oz. glasses of water per day. While that might seem like too much if you’re not used to drinking water regularly, there are great options for super-sized water bottles that can help you achieve your daily water goals. Drinking at least 64 oz. of water everyday will help you feel your best as you enjoy the warm summer months. 

3. Get Some Z’s 

You can’t have a thriving summer wellness routine without having a stable sleep schedule. Adults between the ages of 18 and 64 are suggested to get approximately seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Sleeping enough each night will help you feel better all-around. You’ll feel more productive throughout your day, since your brain and body will be rested enough to accomplish everything that needs to get done. Being constantly tired can also contribute to poorer mental health. When you get the sleep you need, your mind will feel healthier, since excessive tiredness can make you feel grumpy. On top of that, a healthy sleep schedule can potentially improve your relationships with those around you, because you won’t be as short when you are properly rested compared to when you are exhausted. 

We could go on and on about the benefits of having a stable sleep schedule, but we’ll leave it at that. Let’s move on to the next thing you need to add to your summer wellness routine. 

4. Move and Strengthen Your Body

The next thing you should add to your summer wellness routine is exercising. Especially today, exercising can come in many different forms. There is weightlifting, running, pilates, yoga, crossfit, high-intensity interval training, and so many other ways to workout. Playing sports like volleyball or tennis is another fun way to exercise. Mayo Clinic suggests that adults do either 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity a week or some combination of both moderate and vigorous activity. 

Exercising has immediate benefits, such as strength and better mental health, and it also has long-term benefits. When you make working out a part of your routine, you’ll have more mobility and strength when you are older, too. By exercising, you can help ensure that your body will function well for as long as possible. 

5. Take a Deep Breath, and Stretch 

If you feel like your muscles or joints ever feel tight or sore, then you’ll benefit quite a bit from regular stretching. Stretching helps improve your body’s flexibility and range of motion, decreasing your likelihood of getting an injury or pulling a muscle. Stretching after exercising (specifically any workout that is intended to build muscle) can help promote muscle growth. When you are stretching your body, make sure to keep the stretches gentle and slow; we don’t want you to injure yourself. Your body will feel rejuvenated and free once you add stretching to your summer wellness routine. 


We hope that this article gave you some useful insight on what things you should add to your summer wellness routine. From drinking herbal tonic and moving your body and everything in-between, there are lots of ways to upgrade your wellness routine this summer. Your body is a priority, and you should treat it like the precious thing it is. Summer has never looked and felt so good. 


How Much Sleep Do We Really Need? | Sleep Foundation

How Much Should the Average Adult Exercise Every Day? | Mayo Clinic

Complete Guide to Sleeping Better

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