5 Top Benefits of Multivitamins for Women

26 February 2021, UAE, Dubai: Sugarbear multi vitamins for women as vegan dietary supplement

Vitamins and minerals are a critical piece of our bodies’ functionality. They support everything from brain function—reducing issues like brain fog and improving focus—to hormonal, digestive, and general physical health. 

While there is a benefit to the regular consumption of vitamins, sometimes it can be difficult to know what to take, what vitamins do what, and how much you should take as an individual. Even more so, understanding why you take what you take is an important aspect of vitamin consumption.

This is where multivitamins come into play. Multivitamins contain a smorgasbord of vitamins meant to meet a specific series of day-to-day health needs. Multivitamins can be tailored to individual needs, such as specific age ranges, vocational, or sex-specific needs. In this case, we are going to focus on five of the top benefits of multivitamins for women.

1. Preventing Vitamin Deficiency 

Many people are vitamin deficient without even knowing it. With the current state of work in the United States taking place primarily at home, or in office spaces, many people suffer from Vitamin D deficiency, a problem caused by a lack of sun exposure. Other common deficiencies include Anemia, which occurs due to a lack of Vitamin B12 and can affect nerve functionality, and folic acid deficiency.

Vitamin deficiency can lead to anything from poor attitude and energy, to poor blood circulation, nerve function, and even disease or blood toxicity.

A number of essential vitamins can be found in foods, or produced due to day-to-day activities. However, it can be difficult to keep track of what to eat each day, and hard to ensure you are regularly supplying your body with the right vitamin levels.

A well-researched multivitamin can help solve this. Multivitamins tailored to your specific needs allow you to be sure that you are getting exactly what you need each day, without overdoing it. In its simplest way, a multivitamin can help you be generally happier, healthier, and more focused.

2. Hormonal Imbalance and Change

Especially amongst women, hormonal changes are common, and imbalance is easy to approach. Whether it be due to your menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or even stress, hormonal changes or imbalances can both effect, and be affected by vitamins. 

Thankfully, vitamins actually help to balance hormone levels. In women primarily, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B6 both help to combat estrogen and adrenaline imbalance. Additionally, a lack of Vitamin D can cause estrogen levels to fall, significantly affecting mood and focus. 

Taking a multivitamin, especially during times where hormonal imbalance is more likely, can help maintain a healthy body and mind and avoid hormonal changes wrecking havoc upon your functionality. 

3. Prenatal

One of the benefits of multivitamins is that there are a number to choose from, each tailored to meet a specific need. For women considering, or trying to become pregnant, a prenatal multivitamin can be an excellent decision.

These multivitamins typically contain ingredients meant to stimulate follicle, bone, blood, and mental health throughout the prenatal process. This can help you ensure greater ease upon your body, and proper nutrients throughout pregnancy.

4. Postnatal

Postnatal vitamins are another great multivitamin opportunity for women, namely those who have recently given birth. 

Following childbirth, new mothers are at risk of hormone imbalance, vitamin deficiency, and postpartum depression. Many of these things can be remedied and prevented through proper nutrition and vitamin levels. While it cannot be your catch-all as a new mother (you still need to be attentive to your nutritional intake and day-to-day habits), a multivitamin can help you stay on top of your hormone and vitamin levels.

Postnatal multivitamins can help with everything from breast milk production, to nutrient levels, better immune function, and ensuring that your brain is still healthy and nourished, helping to prevent postpartum depression or unpredictable mood changes.

5. Everything, All at Once

One of the biggest questions regarding multivitamin usage is why you would specifically utilize a multivitamin, rather than focus specifically on diet or to take individual vitamins.

The primary reason for utilizing a multivitamin is that it gives you specific needs, backed by research, and is difficult to forget. If you are a young woman trying to get Omega 3s, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B6 throughout the day, you need to either militaristically regiment your diet, or individually take each of these vitamins and figure out the right dosage to avoid causing blood toxicity.

Plain and simply, that’s quite a lot of work, and it’s easy to miss a day, or even get confused and double dose on one vitamin or another. 

Multivitamins contain a mixture of exactly what you need for your specified nutrition. Whether you are a teenager, 18-40, going through menopause, pre or postnatal, or even dealing with a specific deficiency, multivitamins can help you rebalance your system without worry of missing something or having to juggle an inconvenient amount of pills.

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