NYC Mayor DeBlasio: Donald Trump Is Worst Demagogue In History

The Donald has been under fire for comments he made while speaking to a group of Jewish Republicans.
The Donald has been under fire for comments he made while speaking to a group of Jewish Republicans.

The Donald has been under fire for comments he made while speaking to a group of Jewish Republicans. (Video below)

During the speech, Trump, the GOP front-runner said, ‘I’m a negotiator – like you folks,’ … ‘Is there anyone in this room who doesn’t negotiate deals?’

‘Probably more than any room I’ve ever spoken to.’

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio responded to the remarks while referencing a NY Times article: “As the New York Times makes clear today in a front page article, Donald Trump will go down as one of the worst demagogues in recent U.S. political history.

His latest comments last week to a mostly Jewish audience are an example. Based on hateful stereotypes of the Jewish community, they simply have no place in our society. As with other shameful outbursts he has had about many ethnic groups, they are nothing short of dangerous.

Others, including myself, have spoken out when political leaders in Europe have not risen to the defense of their embattled Jewish communities. It is equally important to call out American leaders who traffic in age-old negative characterizations of Jews. We should demand from our presidential candidates a standard that in no way echoes the voice of a George Wallace or Joe McCarthy.”

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