7 Top Tips to Help You Focus


Are you struggling to maximize your focus and productivity levels? If the answer is yes, then do not fear. The majority of people would have answered similarly to you.


Staying focused takes time, practice and dedication. Sometimes, it is the little things like trying to multi-task or being distracted by social media that can have huge impacts on our overall productivity levels.


In fact, some studies are saying that small things like taking micro-breaks or giving yourself rewards as an incentive to complete a task can actually drastically improve your ability to focus.


How to focus will ultimately vary for everyone. It will simply take trying various tecnhiques before you discover what works best for you. Whether you struggle to focus from a general lack of motivation to the opposite end of the spectrum and feeling overwhelmed, there will be a solution out there for you if you are open-minded about your approach.


When we are able to focus on ourselves clearly and rid of distractions in our mental and physical worlds, we will be astounded by how much easier it is to get the tasks at hand completed.


We have rounded up the top tips and tricks from experts who have taken a scientific approach to enhance focus and productivity levels.


1. Try a Patch

Sometimes, a simple patch can really help do the trick when it comes to focusing. Whether you are a child or an adult, these essential oil-infused stickers will help sharpen your senses and provide you with a physical way of staying focused. You can try a range of essential oil-infused stickers that all have scents scientifically proven to enhance focus—from lemon to cedarwood. Plus, it will make having to be productive more fun and enjoyable too, with a mood-boosting sticker to proudly wear.


2. Stop Multitasking

Another important trick is to stop tryin to do everything at once. Rather than trying to be superhuman and do all the big tasks at the same time, prioritize and work your way down the list one by one. This will first and foremost make everything seem way less overwhelming. And second, it will help you build momentum for continuing to stay focused. Finishing the first task will give you the motivation to now tackle the second task and realize that it was not as hard as you initially thought.


3. Take Time to Meditate

Another important trick to try if you are struggling to focus is to just take a break and meditate. If your brain is overwhelmed with noise and clutter, then it is a good time to remove yourself from that mental scenario and reset your brain. You can easily follow a free meditation online for even as little as ten minutes and notice a huge difference as a result. Meditation is something that can really help refocus the brain and take overwhelming tasks and transform them into easy tasks you have the confidence and clarity to achieve.


4. Go for a Workout

Another great way to reset the brain so you can focus is to work out. Going for a run, swim or hike will help your brain get the energy it needs to focus intently on an upcoming task at hand. In fact, there have been many studies that have shown people’s highest productivity times come directly after working out. The heart is pumping, the blood is flowing and your brain is wide awake and rearing to go.


5. Write a To Do List

As we already alluded to, writing a to-do list is hugely beneficial in staying focused. A great tip if you struggle to focus throughout the day is to write your to-do list as your first task of the day. Then, one by one go down the list and cross off all the items. This avoids the temptation of mulling over incomplete work and moving around multiple projects without finishing a single one for the day.


6. Drink a Cup of Coffee

If you are struggling to focus because of a lack of energy, then try drinking a cup of coffee. Caffeine is known to help boost our focus, especially if you wake up feeling especially tired that day. But it does not just have to be coffee. You can also try a cup of tea too. The caffeine will help keep energy levels higher for longer and allow you to focus without dozing off to sleep. Just be careful to not overdo it with the caffeine otherwise you will experience a huge crash later I the day.


7. Take Lots of Breaks

It is hard to stay intently focused for hours on end. So create a schedule for the day where you can mix up intense levels of focus with short breaks to reset your mind, body, and spirit.



If you are struggling to stay focused, try these seven tips to help enhance focus and productivity!

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