All Natural Ways to Reduce Inflammation

woman touching her painful heel on white background

Even though it is not alway sevident, inflammation can slowly deteriorate your health if left untreated. The thing about inflammation is that it is actually good when your body initiates it to fight off pathogens that can potentially harm your body. When it can get worse, however, then it can lead to a wide variety of different conditions such as asthma, heart disease, diabetes, and even blindness.

The reason why inflammation can get really bad sometimes is that even though it is a response to fight off external harmful elements, it can also be triggered by elements of our lifestyles such as having very stressful work, not getting enough sleep, not eating healthy, and always being stagnant. 

How if this happens to you, be sure to follow these tips to naturally reduce the inflammation safely.

Eat the Right Food

As with anything that pertains to healthy, the first step is always to eat the right food and lay off the wrong food. In order for you to reduce inflammation naturally you have to incorporate a lot of fruits and vegetables to your diet. You want to eat more fish instead of red meat because fish has those essential Omega-3 fatty acids that are very effective against inflammation. You also would want to use more olive oil and less corn oil. Incorporate a lot of berries and oats to your diet and make sure that you lay off anything that comes from a can and is highly processed. 

Reduce Your Blood Sugar

 One of the reasons for inflammation is too much sugar in your blood. Naturally, not only would you want to cut off on sugary foods and drinks, you also have to make sure that you do not eat more starchy carbohydrates than that your body needs. Instead, go for green vegetables instead because not only do these sources of carbohydrates have less calories in them, they also have a lower glycemic index which means that it does not translate into as much sugar and insulin in your blood. Try eating fruits instead of candy and use various fruits in your water to give it a more natural sweetness instead of going for sodas and other processed carbonated drinks.

Stay Active

As we mentioned earlier, being unhealthy and living a stagnant lifestyle is one of the things that will really put you at risk of inflammation. The best thing that you can do aside from making sure that you eat the right foods is to live a more active lifestyle. Try to at least incorporate half and hour of cardiovascular exercise so that you can get your blood flowing and to make sure that your heart is producing a healthy output of oxygen to your cells and tissues. This will also help you keep your weight down, which is also a very important step in reducing inflammation. 


Since your body uses inflammation as a response to stress, try some well known methods that will allow you to naturally destress. If you have not done meditation yet, it could be the right time to start learning it because not only will it clear your mind, it will also help you destress quickly which will help manage your inflammation. 

The other thing you can do is just to not take on as much work as you can handle. When you start to take on too much work your body will start to feel like it is in crisis mode and that puts you at risk of your inflammation worsening. 

Take Anti-Inflammatory Pills

Lastly, natural anti-inflammatory pills will help you temporarily reduce the effects on inflammation while you incorporate all of those other things in your lifestyle. It is important to remember though that even though these natural pills are effective, they are not meant to replace all of the other tips in this list because reducing inflammation is not something that you can ultimately do with just medication, you have to completely change the way you live. 

So that is pretty much all you need to know. Eat the right food, stay active, destress, and use the right organic medications and you should see your inflammation get better gradually. 

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