Baton Rouge Zoo Says Dogs Kill 3 Monkeys

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LOUISIANA — Officials at the BREC’s Baton Rouge Zoo say a pack of dogs broke into the Zoo Tuesday night and killed three spot-nosed guenons.

The Zoo director says surveillance video captured ‘a couple of domestic dogs’ approaching the exhibit and snatching the monkeys as they reached through the cage.

WBRZ reported: ‘Zoo keepers found two monkeys, a 22-year-old male and 29-year-old female, dead inside of their exhibit. A third monkey, an 18-year-old male, was also injured and was later euthanized.

The monkey’s death comes after inspectors from the American Association of Zoos and Aquariums concluded in May that the zoo was not at fault in the death of a pair of elderly giraffes earlier this year.’

Employees still are not sure how the dogs entered the zoo.

The dogs have not been seen since.

An investigation is ongoing.

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