Massive Shipment of Explosive Chemicals Disappears In Mojave Desert, Investigation Underway

CREDIT: Mark Reinstein/Corbis via Getty Images

According to federal records, approximately 60,000 pounds of a chemical with dual applications as a fertilizer and an explosive have seemingly vanished during a recent rail journey from Wyoming to California.

As per an incident report submitted to the National Response Center on May 10, a rail car loaded with ammonium nitrate departed from a facility run by explosives manufacturer Dyno Nobel in Cheyenne, Wyoming, on April 12.

The report indicates that the chemical substance was “released due to an unknown cause” and was discovered to be missing upon the rail car’s arrival in Saltdale, California.

The company stated that at the time of the incident report, the rail car was empty and en route back to Wyoming.

Ammonium nitrate has been utilized as a crucial ingredient in both acts of terrorism and horrific accidents.

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