Secret Service Rushed President Trump To Underground Bunker During Protests


President Donald Trump was escorted to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center beneath the White House Friday night as protests escalated in Washington.

The Presidential Emergency Operations Center is a bunker-like structure underneath the East Wing of the White House that serves as a secure shelter and communications center for the President of the United States and other protectees in case of an emergency.

The New York Times broke the news: The scene on Friday night, described by a person with firsthand knowledge, added to the sense of unease at the White House as demonstrations spread after the brutal death of a black man in police custody under a white officer’s knee. While in the end officials said they were never really in danger, Mr. Trump and his family have been rattled by protests that turned violent two nights in a row near the Executive Mansion.

Protests and riots spread across the country over the weekend following the in-custody death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

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