British Prime Minister Allegedly Put His Genitals Inside A Pig’s Mouth When He Was A Student


The British Prime Minister has been rocked by extraordinary claims from a former Conservative treasurer that he was in a ‘dope smoking group’ and took part in an initiation which he is reported to have placed his “private parts” inside the mouth of a dead pig’s head while studying at Oxford University.

He reportedly said the pig’s head was resting on the lap of a member of the Piers Gaveston Society – a dining club at Oxford – while Mr Cameron carried out the act.

The secret society, which also claims actor Hugh Grant and the Mayor of London Boris Johnson among its former members, is known for its debauched parties, sexual excesses and bizarre entertainment.

James Delingpole, a friend of Mr Cameron’s at Oxford, said they smoked cannabis together while listening to the rock band Supertramp.

He said: “My drug of choice was weed – and I smoked weed with Dave.”

Mr Cameron studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford’s Brasenose College between and 1985 and 1988.

He previously faced claims that he smoked cannabis, in a 2007 biography called Cameron, the Rise of the new Conservative, said that as a 15-year-old at Eton he was grounded after several boys were caught.

A Conservative Party spokesman said at the time: “David has always maintained politicians have a right to a private life before they come into politics.”

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