Brooklyn: Attempted Rape On Graham Ave & Scholes St


The NYPD is asking for the public’s assistance in identifying and locating the following suspect wanted in connection with an attempted rape that occurred within the confines of the 90 Precinct. Details are as follows.

On November 8, 2013 at approximately 0421 hours, while walking along Graham Avenue, approaching Scholes Street, the 27 year old female victim was approach by the suspect who grabbed her from behind and threw her onto the ground. The suspect struck the victim’s head against the ground and attempted to rape her but fled when a witness stopped to intervene. The victim was removed to Woodhull Hospital for treatment.

The suspect is described a male black in his early 30’s, 5’8″-6′ tall, approximately 170 pounds with short hair and clean shaven.

Anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS.


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