Can You Cure a Hangover? 4 Tips for Relieving Symptoms Before they Start


People have imbibed alcohol in social situations for thousands of years, and for thousands of years, people have been waking up feeling hungover. The party may be a blast, but no one looks forward to the next day’s side effects. 

Headaches, nausea, brain fog, and anxiety are all common symptoms of a hangover. Other than choosing not to drink, there doesn’t seem to be a magical cure that can prevent that icky day after feeling. 

While there may not be a way to cure your hangover once you wake up, taking the proper precautions before taking your first sip of alcohol can set you up for a happier morning. Continue reading for a few great tips we have about how to relieve hangover symptoms before they start.

Enjoy a Hangover Drink Before Heading to the Bar

Sure, there may not be a magical cure, but a hangover drink comes pretty close; hangover drinks are intended to help you feel your best after going out the previous night. If you’re shopping around for a hangover drink, look for ones that help support healthy liver funciton and replishes nutrients and electrolyes while keeping you hyrdrated.

If you struggle with headaches, heart-pounding, concentration problems, or clumsiness as a result of drinking, consider looking into hangover drinks. We all deserve a little fun here and there, but be sure you’re looking out for your body in the process. 

Why Do You Feel Hungover?

Scientists have been researching hangovers and cures for hundreds of years and still haven’t discovered the root cause. However, the leading theory as to why we feel so terrible after imbibing a few too many alcoholic beverages is that alcohol causes inflammation and oxidative stress. 

  • Inflammation is the body’s response to potential harm, like toxins or bacteria. Alcohol releases ethanol into the bloodstream, a toxin that triggers an inflammatory response.  This results in headaches, nausea, and redness. Ever notice your face gets flushed after a drink or two? Inflammation may be the cause. 

  • Oxidative Stress occurs when there are too many unstable molecules in the body. The liver breaks down ethanol from alcohol into acetaldehyde. Higher levels of acetaldehyde are proven to cause worse hangover symptoms. 

What Else Can You Do to Fight the Hangover Blues?

Everyone is different, so finding the right hangover remedy may take trial and error. Setting yourself up for success is essential to feeling better the next morning. 

  • Eat Complex Carbs and Healthy Fats 

Have you ever enjoyed a cocktail on an empty stomach and realized you feel the buzz a lot quicker than you would if you drank after a meal? This feeling is caused because your stomach doesn’t have a cushion to slow the speed at which you metabolize the alcohol. 

Healthy fats and complex carbs take your body longer to digest. Eating a balanced meal before drinking will slow down the rate in which your body processes the alcohol and take some of the pressure off your liver. 

Choosing a balanced meal could help you feel better when your alarm goes off the morning after a big night. Complex carbs include brown rice, sweet potato, and quinoa are excellent options to implement. Healthy fats like salmon, which are rich in omega-3, can also help your body fight inflammation. 

  • Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate 

It is essential to replenish the water you lose while drinking. Alcohol consumption suppresses the hormone that signals your kidneys to retain water, resulting in you using the restroom more often. 

You’ll wake up dehydrated if you don’t drink enough water throughout the night. Make sure you replace the lost fluids before heading to bed. Mix up some water, lemon juice, and a little salt – this will replenish the electrolytes your body lost during the night and help you feel more hydrated when you wake up. 

  • Skip the Hair of the Dog in the Morning 

Bloody Mary’s, anyone? While it can be tempting to have another cocktail in the morning to fight off the symptoms of a bad hangover, you’re just putting off the symptoms rather than curing them. Have a big glass of water and a coffee instead. Caffeine can help open up the blood vessels, allowing blood to flow freely, and can help alleviate headache symptoms. 


While many of us enjoy a fun night out, we can all agree that we don’t like the way we feel the next morning. By following these tips, you’ll give yourself and your body a chance to feel better after enjoying yourself the previous night. Which of these hangover trips are you going to try next?

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