Crypto game to watch out for: Calvaria


Cryptocurrencies have continuously proven that they can be used for a lot of activities, including gaming. To no surprise, there are now a lot of games that are based on blockchain technology. These games also vary when it comes to genre, making them appealing to different types of players. 

Among the popular game genres that a lot of people have grown fond of are battle card games like the new Calvaria. Though the game is still in its presale stage, it has proven to be a hit as it already sold over $2M on its initial coin offering (ICO) event. 

As it may seem like an interesting game, you may want to check it out and see if you can enjoy it alongside your crypto gambling activities. Here are a few things you should learn about Calvaria: 

What is Calvaria? 

Calvaria: Duels of Eternity, a brand-new blockchain gaming platform, sends you to a virtual world where you can purchase non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that represent several characters. The game organises NFTs into several character sets, allowing you to combine tokens based on traits.

In this game, you must design a deck and use strategy to outlive opponents if you want to win. By taking part in tournaments, you can obtain tokens as rewards. The makers of Calvaria frequently conduct events and contests where you can win cash prizes and other impressive incentives.

This game is supported by both Android and iOS platforms. 

What is RIA? 

RIA is the main token for the entire Calvaria game ecosystem. Its main purpose is to make NFT trades easier within the game’s in-app marketplace which aids in maintaining the tokenomics of the ecosystem.

Due to the fact that RIA is a proof-of-stake (PoS) coin, it also has intrinsic value. This indicates that the digital asset can be staked for the benefit of its owners.

Reasons why you should try the game 

If you haven’t tried or bought the game yet, here are some reasons why you may consider doing so: 

  • Exciting card gameplay → This is a fun battle card game that allows you to vary your gameplay depending on the characters you wish to play. There are also several tournaments where you can show off your skills. 

  • Grants you massive prizes →  You get to keep all the prizes that you have earned in your games. You may earn them by either playing solo, playing against other players, or joining tournaments. These prizes come in the form of RIA, the game’s main token. 

  • Teaches you about Play-to-Earn (P2E) → You will have a better grasp of P2E games as you purchase an NFT deck of cards. With this game, the creators of Calvaria can convince you to play consistently over time. That way, you can earn bigger prizes as the value of the RIA coin increases. 

You could be more eager to play Calvaria aside from your desired crypto gambling activities after knowing about the winning possibilities it has. Aside from that, you might also find it intriguing to explore what surprises this game has in store for you when you play it by yourself or with friends!

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