Easy Ways to Elevate Your Home Workout Routine

Home workout - woman exercising in front of a flat screen watching a fitness program or exercising during a TV show lying on a yoga mat in front of the sofa in the living room of a house or apartment.

Are you wanting to challenge yourself to get fitter this year?

The good news is you actually don’t need a fancy gym membership or personal training sessions to get the same type of challenge in a workout.

In fact, you are probably going to find it easier to challenge yourself in a customized home gym compared to having to compromise your workout at the gym with equipment that other people aren’t using.

The truth is, all you need to do is invest in a few quality home gym equipment pieces and your home workout routine can be instantly elevated! So save those fancy gym and fitness memberships for 2022 and instead invest in some key pieces to elevate your home workout routine to the next level!

To help you crush your fitness goals at home, we’ve rounded up the top ways to truly elevate your home workout routine without having to completely re-do the space.

1. A portable gym

Yup, you read that right! Hyfit makes portable gym equipment that truly allows you to push yourself. The simple setup means that there are no clunky weights to have to move around. Instead, you can put their portable gym gear anywhere in the house that you are wanting to get your sweat on. And when you’re don, it all easily compacts back into a storage bag too. This is a great option if you’re also wanting to switch it up and do your home workout at the park or on the beach!

2. Focus on your technique

If you have been hitting the weights for a while and don’t have any more to add on, try making it harder by enhancing your technique. This means that you will still squat the same amount of weight, but the challenge is in trying to get a deeper range of motion and requiring yourself to activate more parts of your body to get the job done. We can always enhance our range of motion, so the challenges and progression will never end! Plus, you’ll be surprised at how much harder the movements become when you move more slowly.

3. Create superset challenges

Rather than just doing an exercise movement one time, try creating a superset where you have to complete two different exercises back to back before the round is done. For example, you can do ten reps of bench presses and then do ten burpees—with the challenge to complete the superset four times! Your workout will instantly become elevated when you add two different exercises into one and shock your heart rate by doing so.

4. Add in resistance to the workout

A really affordable way to enhance your workout at home is by incorporating resistance bands into your exercises. So rather than just doing a push-up, you do a push-up with a resistance band linked between your arms. The extra resistance will make your muscles have to work twice as hard and will give you a whole new range of goals to work towards.

5. Get creative with weights

If you don’t have any more actual weights to add to an exercise movement, get creative with other objects you have at home! This can be anything from a tin can of beans to your dog or children! You will be amazed at the range of weights available to you when you really start looking. Plus, not only does it elevate the challenge, but elevates the amount of fun you have to workout out at home too!

There are plenty of easy and affordable ways to elevate your workout at home. From Hyfit portable workout gear to getting creative with your weights, working out at home will never become boring! 

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