ELECTION RESULTS: Primary Results from Nebraska & West Virginia – May 13th, 2014


Results from Primary Elections in West Virginia & Nebraska are posted below.

West Virginia results will start to come in first, they have a Senate Primary on both the Republican & Democrat side. They also have Primaries for House seats in all 3 districts. Nebraska polls close second. They have a Primary on the Republican side for Governor, and on both sides for Senate. Same with WV, Nebraska has Primaries in all 3 House districts. Some House District races are missing, if it is not posted below, it’s uncontested on the party missing.

West Virginia:

Democrat (100% Reporting):
Natalie Tennant: 77.9% (Winner)
David Wamsley: 11.8%
Dennis Melton: 10.3%

Republican (100% Reporting):
Shelley Moore Capito: 87.5% (Winner)
Matthew Dodrill: 8.3%
Larry Butcher: 4.2%

WV House Primary Winners:
WV-02 (DEM): Nick Casey
WV-02 (GOP): Alex Mooney
WV-03 (DEM): Nick Rahall

Republican Governor Primary (100% Reporting):
Pete Ricketts: 26.5% (Winner)
Jon Bruning: 25.5%
Beau McCoy: 20.9%
Mike Foley: 19.2%
Tom Carlson: 4.1%
Bryan Slone: 3.7%

US Senate Primaries:

Democrat (100% Reporting):
David Domina: 67.5% (Winner)
Larry Marvin: 32.5%

Republican (100% Reporting):
Ben Sasse: 49.4% (Winner)
Sid Dinsdale: 22.4%
Shane Osborn: 21.1%
Bart McLeay: 5.7%
Clifton Johnson: 1.5%

NE House Primary Winners:
NE-01 (GOP): Jeff Fortenberry
NE-02 (DEM): Brad Ashford
NE-02 (GOP): Lee Terry
NE-03 (GOP): Adrian Smith


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