EPIC FAIL: Palestinian Girls Stab Elderly Palestinian Man Thinking he was Jewish – WATCH


Two more terror attacks struck Israel Monday, one in Jerusalem and another on the 443 road that connects Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

Jerusalem’s Yaffo street near the Mahane Yehuda market was the site of a terror attack Monday morning when two female terrorists aged 14 and 16 wielding scissors stabbed an elderly Palestinian man after mistaking him for a Jew.
One of the terrorists was shot dead by security forces and the other was moderately wounded. An 80-year-old Palestinian resident of Bethlehem suffered head wounds, and a 27-year-old sustained a hand injury from what may have been a ricochet from a bullet.

The 80-year-old man, Yussuf Alharoub, pictured above stated from his hospital bed, “I thank G-d it ended this way. What happened was a matter of fate. Both the Jews and the Palestinians are suffering because of what’s happening now and no one benefits.”

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