How AI is Changing the Gaming Industry

Woman Playing Chess with Fembot Robot

With each new year and each new game put out by game developers, there is a single, perpetual goal. How to make games that are more creative, more fun to play and more immersive than ever. To help this, the gaming industry has frequently relied on storytelling, artwork and of course, technology. Technological advancement has been key in propelling the gaming industry forward. One of the newest and freshest ways this is happening is through the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into gaming. Artificial Intelligence is a type of computer system that performs operations that would normally require a human. These include understanding speech, machine learning and machine vision, among others. AI has been a boon for the gaming industry allowing stakeholders to produce games that are more intuitive and more fun. Here are 4 ways AI is changing the gaming industry.

AI makes games smarter – Previously, game developers relied on scripting to bring a degree of reality to games. NPCs (Non-playable characters) were given the ability to respond to set queries or instructions. However the implementation of AI into the game’s framework means that the NPCs can engage with playable characters appropriately and more naturally. In addition to this, AI technology allows the NPC to modify its behavior through the observation of the player’s actions. AI also makes it possible to beef up games, making it possible for them to understand and respond to speech.

Games seem more realistic – For decades, game developers have put much effort into creating games that not only looked more fun, but were also as realistic as possible. To a great extent they have succeeded and continue to excel in this regard. VR has made great strides in making games seem more real by blocking out the outside world. Services like Bitcoin casinos can even transform any game into VR. However, many gamers want more than just realistic looking graphics, they want gameplay to resemble reality. Artificial intelligence is the best tool at game developers’ disposal to make this happen. AI will help games to seem less wooden and inflexible and will interpret the player’s actions, anticipate their next move and also make its response a part of the gameplay. AI gives games the ability to abandon the script and choose the best response to player action.

Improved mobile games – Mobile gaming has been gaining in both quality and popularity over the years and it is estimated that almost half of all revenue of gaming will come from this platform. Rapidly improving technology has boosted the processing power of both phones and tablets and made mobile gaming an unexpected powerhouse. While phones and tablets do not possess the processing power of consoles or desktops, their processing power allows game developers to boost gme smarts by using AI and machine learning algorithms. New games not only look better, but are more interactive. New frameworks devoted to mobile gaming will also help in this regard.

AI sharpens developer skills – While game developers have never shied away from utilizing the best technology at their disposal, AI allows game developers to dig deeper than ever before. AI will allow game developers to work with systems that are more complex. Now there is the possibility to incorporate smarter function-based movements, pathfinding and fuzzy logic into games. These tools can now be incorporated more seamlessly into games making them more immersive and interactive.

Game developers and enthusiasts are yet to see the full range of possibilities that full deployment of AI will make possible. While the technology has already made a great impact, better, more fruitful implementation is on the way and gamers will find much to celebrate.

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