ISIS Leader “Scared For His Life”


The Jordanian General/Air Force Chief says the head of Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is “on the run and scared for his life.”

“He is frightened by what we did in the last three days,” Major General Mansour al-Jabour told NBC News.

“(ISIL leadership) always hide and they are always on the move but we have assets always in the air for an opportunity to target al-Baghdadi and his gang.”

Jordan has ramped up bombing efforts against ISIL, also known as Daesh, in Syria after a Jordanian pilot was captured and burned alive in a cage.

In the past three days, Jordan’s air force has conducted 56 bomb raids, killing at least 7000 militants.

Mansour al-Jabour added: “If (al-Baghdadi) is not frightened, let him show himself to us. He’ll see what we can do against him.”

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