Ohio Church Congregation Tips Domino’s Delivery Driver More Than $1,000 For $6 Pizza


A Domino’s delivery driver from Ohio has been handed a $1,000 tip when she delivered a $5.99 pizza to a church congregation.

When the driver, identified only as Natasha, brought a pizza worth $5.99 to Sycamore Creek Church in Pickerington on October 4, Reverend Steve Markle gave her a $10 tip – but that’s not all she got.

He gave her the $10 to match the biggest tip she says she’s ever received and then gave her $1,046 on top of that, which he said was a gift from the congregation.

Natasha was in utter shock upon receiving the generous donation and she broke out in tears of joy.

‘We’ve been teaching our church this last month about being generous, and so we did something special for you today. We took up a special offering for a tip for you,’ the Reverend can be seen telling Natasha.

‘I hope that this can help you,’ Markle says.

The congregation has dedicated the month of October to doing random acts of kindness for other people.

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