Ohio Parents Begin Hormone Therapy on 9-Year-Old ‘Transgender’ Son


“It just comes down to love. I mean, if you love your child then you should do anything in the world for your child. And it’s as simple and as pure as that.” The words are those of Emily LeVan who, along with her husband, Clint, has arranged for their son, Keating (Keat, for short) to begin hormone therapy — a first step toward becoming the female who Keat believes he is.

According to a Barcroft TV video (which can be viewed here), Keat reportedly began identifying as female at age 4.

The LeVans, who have already begun referring to their son as she, note that they have been attacked for their decision, which they insist is in Keat’s best interests. But it’s not just mean-spirited people who think the LeVans are making a mistake. Medical science militates against injecting a prepubescent child with hormones.

The National Health Service of Britain — hardly a conservative voice — warns on a webpage dealing with gender dysphoria:


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