Oregon Man’s Truck Breaks Down, Is Foiled In Attempt To Steal 108 Rolls Of White Gold


WALLA WALLA, Wash. — The following is a news release from the Walla Walla County Sheriff’s Office:

– The Great Toilet Paper Caper of 2020 –

In the midst of a worldwide pandemic, WWSO makes the largest seizure of stolen toilet paper in agency history.

This weekend, a watchful citizen interrupted a residential burglary in progress. He was able to call 911 and safely follow the fleeing burglar for long enough to provide a vehicle description. Unfortunately, poor cell coverage and an aggressively driving thief combined and thwarted deputies’ initial efforts in apprehending the suspect.

However, several hours later, deputies located the subject in his disabled vehicle. The toilet paper in his vehicle was in the same unique packaging that deputies had seen earlier in the residence.

The Oregon man was arrested and booked into jail, and a search warrant served on his vehicle. Over $1000 in stolen items were recovered, in addition to 108 rolls of priceless toilet paper.

The investigation is ongoing.

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