Restaurant sees increase in business with ‘Black Olives Matter’ sign


An Italian restaurant in New Mexico has come under fire for a punny billboard playing off the Black Lives Matter slogan amid nationwide outcry over the recent fatal shootings of black men by police officers.

Paisano’s in Albuquerque posted “Black Olives Matter, Try Our Tapenade” on a marquee last week advertising one of its specials and reportedly posted a picture of the sign on social media.

“We put up what we thought was a cute play on words, which we do commonly here at the restaurant,” Rick Camuglia, the owner, told NBC affiliate KOB. “We were trying to promote our pan-seared Ahi tuna with a black olive tapenade relish. And so we put ‘black olives matter, try our tapenade.'”

People on the restaurant’s Facebook page called it “offensive,” “tacky and hideous” and “in very bad taste.”

The restaurant has since taken down the sign and removed the photo of it from social media.

“We didn’t think anybody would be offended by that,” he said. “It was not our intent to offend anybody.”

Many on social media, however, defended the owner’s advertisement.

“It’s ok to have a sense of humour,” one wrote. “As a chef I understand that you weren’t trying to be offense. In our industry humour is the only thing that takes the stress away from our job. It’s unfortunate the only people who work in the trade will understand.”

Paisano’s Italian Restaurant opened in the early 1970s, serving only pizza and Italian sandwiches before it grew into a full-service establishment, according to its website.

The restaurant crew said Friday in a statement:

“Since Wednesday, July 13th, we have been inundated with positive, supportive phone calls from the community as well as overwhelmed with business, not only from our ‘regulars’, but from so many new customers who came from Albuquerque, surrounding cities, and even neighboring States simply to support us.

“A heartfelt “Thank You” to you from our Crew, some of whom were moved to tears because of your kind words and outpouring of support.

“Many nowadays would contend that society has changed for the worse, but our experience this week has proven the opposite. We have encountered so many quality people of character; salt of the earth and the bedrock of America. Awesome.

“Many have shown a unique way to show solidarity. I can’t count the number of customer’s orders who’ve included adding Black Olives to every dish ordered. Pizzas, Sandwiches and pasta dishes with ‘double Black Olives Please!’ all day long. So much that we almost ran out and ordered more.

“We have served Albuquerque for over 40 years and look forward to the next 40.”

(c) 2016, The Washington Post · Lindsey Bever

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