Seattle: Numerous Body Parts Discovered After Dog Returns Home With Human Leg


The Thurston County Coroner’s Office is trying to determine the age, gender and identity of human remains that have been found on the Nisqually Indian Reservation. A search began after a dog returned to a home last week with a human leg. The Thurston County Sheriff’s Office says the search over the weekend found more parts — a rib cage, pelvis and parts of a skull, including a jawbone with teeth.

“There’s enough to hopefully identify the person,” Sheriff’s Sgt. Ray Brady told The Olympian.

Detectives are checking reports of missing persons and runaways as part of the investigation.

Brady said Sunday’s search, which began at 8 a.m. and involved about 30 search-and-rescue volunteers and dog teams, wrapped up about 6 p.m. That effort was an extension of a search that began Saturday afternoon after a dog returned to its owner’s home on the Nisqually Indian Reservation with the lower portion of a leg with foot.

(Source: Seattle Times)

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