Speaker Ryan Responds to President Obama’s Final State of the Union Address


WASHINGTON — Today, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) issued the following statement following President Obama’s final State of the Union and Governor Nikki Haley’s Republican Address to the Nation:

“It was an honor to preside over the State of the Union address, and I’m hopeful this year we can find common ground to make progress for the American people.

“That being said, I can’t say I was disappointed by the president’s speech, but that’s because I wasn’t expecting much. As usual, the president tried to manage people’s perceptions instead of confronting reality: His policies aren’t working. He didn’t have an answer for how to defeat ISIS. If everything were as great as he said it was, two-thirds of the American people wouldn’t say the country is on the wrong track. Success doesn’t need hype; it speaks for itself. I just wish the president had leveled with the people—or at least with himself.

“On the other hand, Governor Haley drew a remarkable contrast with the president tonight. She is one of the most effective leaders in our party. She has turned conservative principles into real solutions in South Carolina. The vision she outlined for our country was inclusive and optimistic, and perhaps most important, it was grounded in reality. This is someone who’s done the tough work of governing. I think that showed in her remarks, and I commend her on a job well done.”

(Photo source: KVAL)

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