Students Protest In Support Of Cop Who Dragged Schoolgirl From Her Desk


Students have now held a rally calling for the police officer who threw a schoolgirl from her desk to be given his job back.

Police officer Ben Fields was caught grabbing a 16-year-old girl and flipping her out of her chain before putting her on the ground and arresting her.

The 34-year-old school resource officer was initially suspended without pay after the incident, but was later fired last week.

Despite the aggressive arrest, around 100 students at the school held a rally in support of Fields on Friday.

Deputy Fields asked pupils sitting nearby to move and placed the girl’s laptop on another desk before repeatedly asking the girl to move, fellow students said.


When she refused again, the officer grabbed hold of the desk and flipped it up, causing the girl to fall out before he threw her across the classroom.

Pupils said they wanted to support the cop and help protect his reputation as they marched out of classes on Friday.


Students chanted the cop’s name and wore shirts which said ‘Free Fields’ and ‘Bring Back Fields’.

They did not return to classes until principal Jeff Temoney arrived, saying he had respectfully listened to their protest and expected the students to get back to lessons.

Field is under both state and federal investigation.

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