The Shooting Death Of 12 Year-Old Tamir Rice Has Been Ruled A Homicide


Acmedical examiner has ruled that the death of a 12-year-old Cleveland boy shot on Nov. 22 by a police officer was a homicide.

A medical examiner’s ruling of homicide does not necessarily mean that a crime occurred, according to Lawrence Kobilinsky, a forensics expert and Chairperson of the Department of Sciences at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City.

“If somebody shoots somebody else, the medical examiner’s going to call it a homicide. Now whether it’s criminal, is a different story,” Kobilinsky said.

Rice’s mother, Samaria Rice, made her first public comments about the incident on Monday. She said she’s “looking for a conviction,” against officers Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback.

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