Tips on Typing With Long Nails


Everyone loves having long, bold, and beautiful nails. However, they seem to come with some limitations. They can make many of your daily activities a little more difficult. Trying to open a soda can is a whole new experience with nails, but you can learn to adapt.

How to Adapt to the Challenge of Typing With Long Nails

If you have a job where you are constantly on a computer having your nails done can suddenly make your job feel more difficult. You will find yourself asking “how to type with long nails” with a little practice and a few tips you will adapt quickly. 

Type With You Fingers NOT Your Finger Nails

This tip might sound like common sense, but thinking about using only your fingers and not letting your nail touch the key, will result in the nails not being in your way at all.

It does take more precision to only use your finger, but with practice, it will become a habit and you will type that way even when you don’t have long nails. Typing this way is better for your natural nails in the long run.

If you type with your fake nails it will cause them to fall off sooner from the pressure you are applying on them when pressing them into the keys. It can also cause the nails to crack or chip. This makes them more likely to damage your natural nail as well.

It will feel strange to start, but as long as you focus on the position of your hand over the keys you will have it in no time. Be patient with your self you will adapt just fine. Worried you are not doing it correctly, listen to how much sound you are making if you are using your finger is will be much quieter. 

Typing with your fingers may feel odd at first. Focusing on the position of your hands over the keyboard will help, and remember to be patient. Don’t worry if you hit some wrong keys the first few times. Your fingers will eventually adjust and it will then be like second nature to you. 

Don’t Rush Yourself

When you try to go too fast you will inevitably make more mistakes. When you first start typing with longer nails you may be more prone to making mistakes. Make sure you are giving yourself time to get used to the new style of typing.

While you are learning to type with your fingers instead of your nails focus on precision and not speed. The speed will come naturally as you become more comfortable with the new hand positions. Take the time to focus on your hand’s positions in relationship to the keyboard and put effort into keeping a steady speed. 

If you think about it, it is obvious that you will make fewer mistakes going slow. This will also help you to develop the muscle memory of the new positions. 

Practice Makes Perfect

“Practice makes perfect” is a popular saying for a reason, because it is true. The more you practice the new technique of typing with long nails the better you will get. This is the most important step because if you do not practice you will not improve. 

Wear Your Nails With No Worries

Now that you know how to type with long nails you no longer have to be limited to short nails. It’s time to invest in so great long high-quality press-on nails so that you can have gorgeous nails without “breaking the bank” It is time to pamper yourself!

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