Top-Earning YouTuber Made $5 MILLION Opening Toys [B911Opinion]


Some of y’all will complain. I’m aware this isn’t breaking news.

But I had to share this story. First, a little explanation as to why I am interested in the first place:

So, my young daughter gets a hold of my iPad from time to time or watches YouTube on my phone when we’re waiting in line in public, etc. If you have kids, you know the deal.

And so, instead of watching clips of the latest TV show or movie — the ‘suggested videos’ on YouTube swayed her to these (what I thought were strange) videos of people un-boxing new toys.

I investigated and discovered the videos were mostly harmless and let her continue to watch them — I didn’t think much else of these videos until I read a report a few days ago about what these YouTubers are earning. It is truly amazing.

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YouTube user ‘DC Toy Collector’ earned an estimated $4.9 million off OPENING TOYS.

Open Slate, a video analytics platform, made a list of the highest-earning YouTube channels, based on ad revenue.

Taylor Swift’s channel made the top ten and popular movie trailers were on the list too.

But number one on the list with the most cash-flow, was DC Toy Collector, a channel that features an unknown woman, known only by her hands, opening boxes of toys.

E-mails, messages, & comments all go unanswered by Ms. Toy-Collector.

Whomever she is, I’m amazed. And it just proves that the internet is the only un-tapped frontier where anything is possible.

Wow, just wow.

So what do you think? Let us know in the comments below or send us a Tweet @Breaking911/@GrantB911

Below is one of her most popular videos:

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