Two world leaders resign in one day


Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has resigned over the Italian referendum defeat, while John Key has confirmed his resignation as Prime Minister of New Zealand.

Just ninety minutes after polls closed, the 41-year premier conceded defeat as exit polls suggested 57% of voters had rejected his plan to streamline the country’s system of government.

New Zealand’s popular prime minister John Key shocked the nation by announcing he will resign, after eight years as leader.

“All I can say is that I gave it everything I had. I have left nothing in the tank.”

“We talked about it and she likes the concept of me being home more but there was no ultimatum.”

Green Party co-leader Meteria Turei also wished him well.

“I fought every day against John’s politics but always supported his right to be a dad and a husband first,” she tweeted.

Featured Image: Press Association

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