Understanding Crystal Meth Addiction

Female hand retrieving drug packet our of her blue jean pocket with copy space on black.

Addiction is an epidemic in America, and high on the list of addictive substances is crystal meth.

Whether you are seeking understanding for yourself or a loved one, it’s helpful to know what crystal meth is, what the signs are of crystal meth use, and what you can do to get help.

What is Crystal Meth?

Crystal meth is the shortened name for crystal methamphetamine.

First off, methamphetamine is a stimulant that affects the central nervous system. It is a man-made combination of amphetamine and other chemicals. When amphetamines, like cold medicine pills, are processed with pseudoephedrine, it produces crystal meth. 

The final product normally involves various other chemicals from antifreeze to battery acid.

But, why do people become addicted to crystal meth?

As a stimulant, crystal meth provides a boost of energy and feelings of euphoria almost immediately after ingestion. Dopamine increases significantly which is what causes the sensation of pleasure in the brain when using crystal meth.

Due to these experiences, new users can become addicted rather quickly, and it can be hard to stop. Over time, crystal meth users will increasingly build up tolerance to the drug and will need more and more to get their “fix.”

Other common names for crystal meth include ice, chalk, tweak, glass, crystal, and crank.

The Signs of Crystal Meth Use

It can be difficult to see a loved one suffer due to crystal meth addiction. It’s good to know some of the behaviors that users exhibit so you can prepare to help them seek treatment.

A list of signs of crystal meth use:

  • Erratic twitching

  • Picking at their body such as their skin or their hair

  • Experiencing hallucinations or psychosis

  • Significant weight loss

  • Dramatic increase in dental issues

  • Lack of appetite

You may also find that their pupils are dilated when talking with them. 

What are the long-term effects of crystal meth use?

Around 15% of deaths due to overdose in America are caused by meth overdoses. Considering how many drugs are on the market, that is a high percentage.

You may suffer organ damage, a stroke, or even a heart attack due to meth use.

Some of the physical effects of crystal meth include:

    • “Meth mouth” which are severe dental problems including rotting teeth;

    Dangerous weight loss;

      Sores on the skin due to vigorous itching.

      The mental, psychological, and emotional effects of crystal meth use include:

        Memory loss;

          Hallucinations and paranoia;

            Increased anxiety;

              Erratic and inconsistent sleeping patterns;

                Manipulates the structure and function of the brain.

                These aren’t all of the side effects of crystal meth use, but as you can see, long-term users are in danger of irreperable harm.

                Treatment for Crystal Meth Addiction

                It can be hard to confront our demons. But, it always brings out the best in us, and we become more resilient and comfortable in our world.

                Since crystal meth is such a powerful, addictive substance, those who are addicted may benefit the most from a longer-term treatment option.

                Of course, seeking treatment involves considering the type of therapy and its cost-effectiveness. It is recommended to seek inpatient care when recovering from crystal meth addiction. Withdrawal symptoms are more easily managed, and they’ll have a support team rooting them on to a successful recovery.

                Many drug therapists like to use cognitive-behavioral therapy to get patients to understand how to deal with triggers by exploring the reasons behind the drug addiction.

                If you are uninsured or underinsured, you may want to start out by trying a local drug addiction center that treats patients for free or at a low cost. Many communities have sought out public funding to help their neighbors out when it matters most.

                Don’t be afraid. There is help. Crystal meth addiction is treatable.

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