What Are the Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents?

Crashed motorcycle at the crossroads

When it comes to emergency phone calls, one of the most common reasons why people call for help has to do with motor vehicle accidents. Even though a lot of attention has been paid to car accidents, motorcycle accidents can also happen at any time. Furthermore, motorcycle accidents are usually more severe than car accident because there is not as much protection between the driver and the road. As a result, even minor motorcycle accidents have the potential to lead to serious injuries. Therefore, it is important to take a look at some of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents. There are several key points to keep in mind. 

Bad Weather as a Contributing Factor to Motorcycle Accidents

One of the most common reasons my motorcycle accidents take place has to do with for weather. Unlike typical sedans, which has four wheels and windshield wipers to help them combat precipitation, ice, snow, and other adverse elements, motorcycles do not have the same features. Therefore, even light rain can severely reduce the visibility of the rider. If the motorcycle rider is not able to see where he or she is going, and it is easy to see how this can lead to a serious accident. Therefore, motorcycle riders need to make sure that they pull off to the side when the weather starts to turn bad. It is not worth risking the motorcycle, the safety of the motorcycle rider, and the safety of other people on the road in the face of bad weather.

Distracted Driving Is a Major Contributor to Motorcycle Accidents

Similar to traditional motor vehicles, distracted driving is a major cause of motorcycle accidents. It is important for motorcycle riders to make sure that they keep both hands on the handles and their eyes on the road. Even though it is nearly impossible to talk on the phone for a motorcycle helmet, there are still people who try to wear Bluetooth connections inside of the helmet XL. When this happens, motorcycle riders can end up taking a phone call while driving. As a result, this removes their attention from the road, dramatically increasing the chances of a serious motorcycle accident taking place.

Inappropriate Motorcycle Maintenance Can Lead to Collisions

Finally, it is also important to highlight the role that motorcycle maintenance plays in motor vehicle accidents. Even though nobody wants to spend money unnecessarily, it is critically important for all motorcycle riders to make sure that they invest in the routine maintenance of their bikes. The goal of motorcycle maintenance is to identify problems before they lead to motorcycle accidents. Therefore, motorcycle riders who do not get their motorcycle properly maintained run the risk of overlooking a serious mechanical issue. If a motorcycle is not maintained, then it is easy for the drivers to lose control of the motorcycle, which could lead to a serious accident. Furthermore, there could be parts of the motorcycle that break down even with routine use, which could fail while the rider is driving. This could also lead to an accident.

Avoid Motorcycle Accidents by Understanding These Common Causes

These are just a few of the most common reasons why a motorcycle accident might take place. By preparing an advance, riders can take steps to make sure that their motorcycle is properly maintained, avoid bad weather, and keep their eyes on the road. This will protect not only the safety of the motorcycle rider but other people on the road as well. Finally, a motorcycle accident does take place, you should consider an attorney as the insurance company will usually blame you for your own injuries, claiming that you  split lanes, ran around a car or made an illegal turn.

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